2014 in review and what’s in store for 2015

WordPress created the below report as a review of my posts over the past year.  I’m a sucker for these types of things and enjoy reading the content and how it’s presented.  One thing I noticed that is incorrect is the most popular post that is cited in the report.  I don’t have a post titled that, so, the program that generated the report must have had a glitch.

A big thanks to all those who have taken the time to read and comment on any of my posts this past year.  Every time I see someone has read one or commented I get insanely happy 🙂  Hope to do more posting next year.  The plan for 2015 is to add a monthly feature about t.v. series that I love, both old ones and current ones.  Watching T.V. shows and reading are two of the things I do the most so I might as well expand on that on my blog.  Thinking of making it a Thursday or Friday feature, once a month.  We’ll see how it goes over the next year.

Wishing all a happy new year and happy blogging to all!!

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 440 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Humans by Matt Haig

IMG_20141223_070600_427Professor Andrew Martin has died and his body is taken over by an alien visitor from Vonnadoria.  The unnamed alien comes the-mad-reviewer-reading-challenge-buttonwith a purpose to destroy life changing information/data that the professor had discovered.  When the alien first takes over Martins body he has a hard time adjusting to and tolerating the humans on Earth, seeing humans as purely violent beings who have disgusting habits, abhorring diets, and are hideous.  While he sets out to accomplish his goal of destroying the data and all who know about it, he starts to see humans in a different light.  Taking over the daily life of the professor, he comes to understand humans – how they live, how they act, what they eat, what they listen to, and how they feel.  This leads him to question his mission and he is placed in a very unexpected situation.

Matt Haig’s The Humans is one of my favorite books I’ve read this year, I’d even say this is one of my favorite books I’ve ever read.  Haig puts a wealth of emotion, truth, humor, wit, and love into this book.  The alien narrator’s journey from destroyer to acceptance is told from someone who has never known caring or love and who then finds out what it’s like to care, to love and to be loved.  It sounds as though this would be a story full of sappy, sentimental crap, but it’s not.  There is the right amount of humor, cynicism, and compassion to provide a good balance and makes the story readable and thoroughly enjoyable.

The reader eventually finds that Professor Martin was an ass.  But when the alien takes over Martin’s body, the alien sees things in ways Martin wasn’t capable of seeing.  Martin’s family is fractured and on the brink of complete destruction.  As the alien learns what it means to be human, the family just might be able to be put back together again.  Don’t be mistaken and think this is a sci-fi book about an alien. It’s not. It’s a book about humans, the human condition, and how we miss out on so much because we are so focused on other things.  I found this book to be incredibly good and would recommend that everyone read it.  I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.