8 week reading Challenge – The End

Last day of my 8 week reading challenge and I was not completely successful.  I’m reading book four right now with about 175 pages to go.  Sadly, I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it tonight.  I managed to complete three books, read 1/2 of one and am almost done with another.  So, if I count today’s book (kind of cheating, I know) I’ll have read four and a half out of eight.

Although I did not complete my goal of reading all eight, I am happy to have gotten through half of my pile (almost).  As stated in a previous post, the book that tripped me up was The Passage.  I was really intent on finishing it but the book started to drag and I stuck with just a bit too long.  I’ve set The Passage aside for now and will go back to finish it, even though I’m not really looking forward to it.

So, what can I take away from this challenge?  The first thing would be that I set a goal for myself.  I’m not a goal setter for whatever reason, but having something constructive to do during my break from school (other than work) was a fun thing to do.  Second thing would be that I love reading and never plan on stopping.  I’ve added to my “to read” pile during these eight weeks and have at least five additional books to read.  This will be all that much harder now that the spring semester has started and I have to set time aside for school reading and other homework  as well as my fulltime job.  The final thing would be that I really enjoyed updating my progress (or the lack thereof) here on this blog.  I think it’s a great way to get thoughts out and I was sometimes inspired to read right after I posted something.

Thanks to those who have read, liked, or commented.  I’ve found a few other great blogs to follow while doing this challenge and hope to find more as I find other things to post about.  Hope other challenges out there are going good and look forward to reading about them (or just catching up on those I follow or finding new ones).


Reading Challenge – One week left

Seven weeks down and I’ve just completed my third book.  A rather disappointing status for my 8 week, 8 books challenge.  I finished reading Mossad, which is about the Israeli secret service.  I am endlessly fascinated about intelligence operations, whether good or bad, and found this book to be well researched and a little shocking at times.  I can’t help but be drawn into the stories of how covert operations are planned out and put into action.  This book highlights some of the more well-known operations of Mossad over the past sixty years.  I try not to look at covert operations from a political view – I just like to read about how they are planned and the consequences of the actions of all involved.  I think it’s good to know about what is happening out in the world and the lengths people will go to for their country.
So – one week left and four books yet to read (well, 3.5 actually).  encouraging thought is that I have this week off from work and plan on reading at least one more before week’s end.  The discouraging thought is that I start-up school again at the end of the week and will have so much other reading to do besides for my ever-growing pile of “to read” books.  The one book that tripped me up is The Passage by Justin Cronin.  I thought the book started out good but then, for me, it started to get sluggish.  I was confused at times about what was going on and felt there isn’t much background given.  The author seems to start writing about something different and it takes me a long time to determine who the person is and what their connection is.  Needless to say, I’ve placed this book aside after getting about halfway through and will leave it to be the last one.

My hope is to succeed in my challenge but know that realistically success may not be possible.  Hope all out there have a good week and happy reading!

Reading challenge – week three

On to week three of my 8 week reading challenge and I’m onto book four.  Finished Brain on Fire on Wednesday and have to say it was a very good book.  Susannah Cahalan’s pieced together recollection of month which she has no memory of is a very well written and engaging read.  Filled with details about the effects of an autoimmune disease that almost went undiagnosed, this book is compelling and scary at the same time.  I highly recommend it.

As for the reading challenge, after finishing Brain on Fire on Wednesday, I hadn’t read a single page of the other books until today.  It’s an odd occurence that happens now and again.  Usually I’m compelled to start another book as soon as I finish one.  However, this is one of those times where I just didn’t feel like it.  This was not due to the occasional “book hangover” – where you can’t start another book because you are still so wrapped up in the characters and story of the last – but more of a “I just need a break from reading” feel.  This is another distraction (if that’s the right word) to my reading challenge.  However, given I’m on to book four and am in the third week, things are still looking good.

Off to read some more.  I hope everyone can find comfort in a book, one way or another, and that it eases the mind.

Reading Challenge – Week Two

Starting week two of my eight week challenge and progress is good.  I’m onto book three – Brain On Fire – about 60 pages in and have to say it is excellent so far.  Brain on Fire is a true story about a 24-year-old who had a sudden and almost inexplicable illness that affected her brain in a shocking manner.  Luckily, one doctor comes in and diagnoses her with an autoimmune disease, essentially saving her from an uncertain future.

Feeling good about getting through two books in one week, but know that it won’t be the norm.  However, with many of my favorite T.V. shows going on “fall finales” I should be able to keep up a good pace.  I’m typically not one to set such specific goals for myself but I’m enjoying this one so far and am set on meeting my deadline

Hope any other challenges are as enjoyable, or at the very least, worthwhile.  Happy reading to all!

Eight week reading challenge – Day Four

Day four – one book down, seven to go.  Just completed World War Z by Max Brooks.  A surprisingly compelling read with interviews from the survivors of the Zombie war, World War Z is a telling of how the world managed to beat the ever-growing zombie hoards  Somewhat disturbing to think what has to be done to many in order for more to survive.  If you are a fan of zombies, this is a book you must read.  Will be interesting to see how the movie turns out.

So, big question is: what book do I read next?  Strategic planning is paramount to my success in this eight week challenge.  Choosing to read the wrong book at the wrong time could spell doom and set me up to fail.  I’m drawn to each book, but which is the right choice to read now?  I think I’ll go with the YA novel by Heather Brewer – Second Chance (The Slayer Chronicles).  Reason behind this selection is simple: ease of reading.  I throughly enjoyed the author’s first series Vladimir Tod and read the first book of this Slayer series in one day.  Not to say that “ease” equals a lightweight book – sometimes simple means pure enjoyment, which is what I’m hoping for in my second selection in the eight week challenge.

Hopefully selection two will be enjoyable and moves me along to book three in just a few days.  Happy reading to all and hope anyone else working on their own challenge plots a successful strategy as well!

Eight week reading challenge

So, its been a while since I’ve posted anything – I think I’ve had bloggers block 🙂 Any way…I’m off of school for the next eight weeks and to give myself something worthwhile to do I’m going to try and read at least eight books in eight weeks.  Easy you say?  I think not. Between work, TV shows, and other distractions, it may prove hard.  However I will make every effort to read all eight (and hopefully more) within the timeframe and provide periodic updates.  Hope there are other worthwhile eight week challenges out there.Image